Thursday, February 15, 2018


First Year Flyers
Do you need a mentor?

Sign up to have a mentor!
Let us know by emailing

What is this about?  Perhaps you have finished one season already and you want to learn more, faster.  Perhaps you just joined the hobby and you're wondering where to start.

That's where Help-A-Beginner can assist.  

The Help-a-Beginner program is made up of volunteers who want to help beginners (2nd year flyers) with advice & possibly some birds. Many good flyers & breeders across America donate their time and birds to help improve a beginner's chances of winning diplomas in their second year.
Often the beginners and Breeders/Mentors have established lasting relationships that span more than the one year a beginner is in the program. Moreover, many beginners have polished their skills to the point that now they are mentors in the same program that helped them. If you are applying to this program simply to get birds, then you are totally missing the point.
The Real Opportunity for this program is to talk One on One with someone who wants you to be successful and who wants you to enjoy the sport. Ask the how to questions of feeding, training, breeding, and medication. The answers are not complicated coming from someone who understands the problems that may occur, Especially since that someone has been there and done that generally before.

If that sounds like what you are needing, email  You will be paired with a mentor to get you going.

Or call 1-800-755-2778.