Thursday, October 28, 2010


A passion for pigeons

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
By theleader
Ellen Cook
Leader Editor

Ryan Hess has a hobby that is strictly for the birds – as long as those birds are pigeons.
He is not content with just any run-of-the-mill variety, however, only the highly intelligent “can find my way home from just about anywhere” brand of pigeons.

Hess has been perfecting this hobby since about the age of 14 when he used to catch barn pigeons so his dad, Bart Hess, could train his hunting dogs to point. For some reason, those pigeons didn’t seem to stick around after they were turned out for the dogs. That meant the younger Hess was always out hunting down more.

Then a family friend suggested getting homing pigeons, birds that always seemed to find their way back to the coop. From there Hess moved on to the more muscular, stronger-backed racers and his proficiency with pigeons grew.

(For the rest of the story pick up a copy of the paper at the Leader or call 435-257-5182 to subscribe.)