Thursday, August 24, 2017


Sport Development Manager

You are looking at the face of the person responsible for nearly everything that the AU is, visually. Deone Roberts has been sculpting the public image of our national organization for nearly 17 years, and she is very good at it.

The former legal secretary is the AU’s go-to person to plan and manage public presentations, board meetings, zone meetings, press kits, postcards, brochures, CDs, DVDs, and even creates ads, edits videos, writes articles, and does it all while looking for eye-popping, low-cost advertising and promotions.

She created, and manages, the e-newsletter called Pigeon Tracks, that targets AU youth, and she is now seeing an average of 80 to 100 new members join the AU each month. That alone is a remarkable achievement (for which she does not get nearly enough credit). I just received my 11 page, Fall 2017 version of the letter today, and it is a magnificent vehicle for the AU to communicate with its newest, and most important members.

Ever need to query information from the member data base? Ever get involved with lost birds? Ever have questions about youth promotional programs? Ever refer anyone to the national office for brochures or website information on pigeon racing? Ever need to know the latest on PETA activities? Ever need information dug up in preparation for dealing with city ordinance issues? In every case, you would be dealing with Deone Roberts.

An effective National Office can not be run without great talent. There can be no growth, or improvement without gifted people working diligently, steadily, humbly, in the background.

This optimistic marketing exec is completely devoted to saving our sport from decline, and from those who might seek to deface it. She is there to assist you, and we, as members of the American Racing Pigeon Union, are fortunate to have her on our side, guarding our flanks.

Deone is always in “push mode” and is ready to help you solve problems. We encourage you to please feel free to call her.

Degree in Marketing & Business Admin

Attended OSU. Graduated from UCO with a Degree in Marketing and Business Administration. Creates ads, articles, flyers, postcards, brochures, inserts, press kits, and is skilled in the use of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger and Constant Contact. Created and manages the Junior member newsletter Pigeon Tracks.

Former Legal Secretary

In this day and age, what armament and experience could be more helpful in the front office than training in legal work. God knows, times are changing, and this new fact of life keeps Deone front and center as she works on challenging issues that come before AU members.
Former Assistant to Founder of Feed the Children
Reported directly to Founder, President, and CEO of this International organization that distributed food and supplies world-wide. Served as an intermediary inside and outside the organization between representatives and the President.

By Coop Kohli, AU Lakes Zone Director, August 20, 2017